To make disembarkation as easy as possible, guests should keep in mind five simple tips:
5) Tipping: For guests opting out on the automatic charge of $12.00 per day, envelopes are provided in the staterooms. Guests should be generous, with due respect to the waiting staff, stateroom attendant, and head waiter going over and beyond to make their cruise the utmost memorable.
4) Cruise DVD: The ship’s videographers work day and night to record the many events on board. Guests that appeared in the video more than once should order a copy. Supplies are limited.
3) Dining: The morning of disembarkation, breakfast is served upstairs at the buffet from 6am to 9am. Ships’ breakfast schedules vary. A member of the cruise director’s staff will provide further information. All guests are encouraged to eat well. It’s their last all-inclusive meal until the next sailing day.
2) Self-assist vs General Disembarkation: Guests who signed up for the self assist program MUST NOT place their luggage outside their cabin door. Guests doing the self-assist must have all of their luggage (including carry-on) with them. When the announcement is made, guests will leave the ship without any help from the ship or shore staff. Guests doing the general disembarkation must place their assigned colored/numbered luggage tags on their bags. All luggage must be placed outside the cabins by midnight. Some ships request bags to be placed outside earlier. Guests are to check their cruise program for information.
1) Luggage hall: Many bags look alike! All guests MUST check the name and contact information on the tags before taking any luggage with them. Those guests missing a piece of luggage should speak with a member of the shore staff. They are more than happy to assist. Bags can get jumbled time to time. If a guest has searched through all the tags, and the bag is still not located, he/she must fill out a lost luggage report. Once the bag is located, it will be shipped home free of charge. Unclaimed luggage will be shipped home at the guests’ expense.