Showing: 1 - 10 of 40 RESULTS
Uncategorized Walt Disney World

Disney Annual Pass holders’ wish-no reservations

It’s January 2024! A new year has begun. Not only has a new year begun, but a long overdue era has begun. As of January 9th, guests with length-of-stay passes or “dated passes” were no longer required to make park reservations. Their reaction, “Woo-hoo!”. That sure took the stress off the minds of thousands of …

Cruising Uncategorized

Formal night: Neckties are still in!

As the cruising industry continues to forge ahead after the COVID pandemic, things have never looked better. Cruise lines are setting records on bookings as if the pandemic never happened. So, normalcy continues to forge on. The fun forges on. Favorite onboard activities have returned. Buffets have not disappeared as many had feared. No cruise …

Disney Uncategorized Walt Disney World

Disney, it’s time for changes, NOW!

Now that normalcy is here to stay, the world of travel can look nowhere else but forward. Well, unless you’re visiting any Disney theme parks, then normalcy must come with a different definition. The sad news is out. Universal theme park attendance has surpassed Disney park attendance. When has that happened? It is very much …

Uncategorized Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World: The most desired changes

As the country continues to make progress exiting from the COVID pandemic, transitioning to endemicity, there’s still much improvement in the wings. In Walt Disney World, there are plenty of desired changes to be made. Guests by the millions can’t be happier not to be required to wear masks indoors. One can hear the millions …

Disney Uncategorized

Disney reimagination: The new era of a capacity cut-off time

Now that the federal mask mandate has been struck down pending an appeal, the traveling public can’t be more esthetic. Travelers can rightfully breathe a sigh of relief. Traveling is one giant step closer to normal. In Disney parks, however, a compelling is needed. Since Disney reopened its parks after being closed due to the …

Cruising First-time cruisers Onboard Activities Uncategorized

Cruising: On board activities never to miss

The news is official! The CDC has lifted all health restrictions for the cruising industry! Let’s hear three cheers for the cruising industry! Let’s hear another three cheers for the CDC! No longer will they have to serve as a health advisory. The cruise lines can now operate under their own power, with nowhere else …

Uncategorized Washington, DC

Metro makes life easy in Washington, DC

Finally, it’s about time! The federal mask mandate is long gone. Americans have waited a long time for when they could travel without wearing a mask. Now is the time to start looking at places where Americans are sure to converge once again, enjoying America’s points-of-interest without restrictions. There is no better place to start …

Cruising Uncategorized

Packing for a cruise: The top 5 essentials

With the cruising industry soon returning to full capacity, the excitement of taking to the high seas can’t be greater. The cruise line advertisements are out in full force. From Royal Caribbean, to Disney, to Celebrity, and MSC, they’re all once again calling travelers of all walks of life. Yes, a cruise vacation is the …