you constantly visit cruise line web sites
you have a cruise countdown set up on your computer screen
>you’re constantly talking about embarkation day
you dress accordingly for the embarkation photo
you go to the photo gallery to look at other passengers’ photos
you can’t wait to try on the ever so stylish life jacket
you know off the bat the difference between “port” and “starboard”
you know the life boat drill from the back of your hand
you can’t get enough duty-free shopping
you enjoy eating dinner with total strangers
you’re excited about the upcoming art auction on board
you can remember your past cruise directors
you can imitate your cruise director
you can remember your past stateroom attendants
you go to the buffet more than three times a day
you religiously partake in afternoon tea
you can’t miss the theater production shows
you’ve been to every bar on board
you refer to your fellow passengers as “your new friends”
you look forward to sharing a swimming pool with 3000+ people
you can fully summarize every culinary and drink demonstration
you know the real meaning of “tender”
you seek out unique on board and shore adventures
you can’t get enough time on sun deck
you like to exercise your “sea legs”
you cry on disembarkation day
you use your old stateroom keys as Christmas ornaments